
Todd Howard has studied under a knight, mentored with gurus and coaches, sat with shamans and spirit guides, and has formed inimitable relationships. As a pioneer in Archery Therapy, he helps others find their path to healing and purpose.

At 26, Todd decided to create a college of integrative medicine. In 2006, that dream became a reality when Pacific Rim College opened in Victoria, British Columbia. It has grown to be a world-leading institute of Holistic Medicine and Sustainable Living.

As an acupuncturist, Qi Gong practitioner, and student of jujitsu, Todd has had a lengthy and profound interest in martial and healing arts. It was through daily Qi Gong practice that archery came into his consciousness. With the purchase of his first hand-carved traditional English longbow, archery became an immovable fixture in his life. Through traditional archery he has transformed his life and helps others to find passion, purpose, and healing.

Focus. Integrity. Purpose..


Archery has traditional roots in virtually every culture around the world. Today it is not a necessary tool of survival for most, and is widely recognized as a meditative and grounding practice that strengthens body, mind, and spirit. Modern medical research shows its efficacy in treating conditions such as PTSD, addictions, and hyperactivity.

ArcoTherapy, as coined by Todd Howard, merges archery therapy with ancient knowledge of acupuncture, Qi Gong, and embodiment practices to deepen and expand the realm of healing possibility. Each session takes the student deeper into the practice, entering into effortless focus, which is sometimes referred to as “moving Zen”.

Once this meditative zone is consistently entered into, Todd guides the student through a specific and continual process of embodying the practice of integrity. By establishing “Anchor Points” (drawing the bowstring to a predefined anchor point is integral to a consistently accurate archery practice), the student alchemizes weaknesses of character into great strength.

With the establishment of an integrity practice (using the foundation of anchor points), Todd directs the student into the final step: the awakening of passion and the honing of purpose. This is the substance of lasting transformation.

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  • ArcoTherapy.

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