Archery Therapy.


ArcoTherapy combines the martial art of traditional archery with acupuncture, Qi Gong, embodiment practices, breathwork, and unique core work on integrity and purpose.

Focus. Integrity. Purpose.

Traditional Archery & Archery Therapy

Archery has traditional roots in virtually every culture around the world. Today it is not a necessary tool of survival for most, and is instead widely recognized as a meditative and grounding practice that strengthens body, mind, and spirit. In addition to many obvious benefits derived from its practice, modern research shows its efficacy in treating conditions such as PTSD, addictions, and hyperactivity.

How does ArcoTherapy work?

  • Focus.

    In the initial sessions, Todd covers the fundamental skills of archery, helping the student to increase efficiency, accuracy, and flow. With the emphasis on deepening focus, the student is able to filter out distractions and begin to feel the practice and to develop intuition, eventually embodying the art of archery rather than simply mastering the mechanics. Embodied practice is the gateway to the zone of effortless focus, or “moving Zen”. Once the student understands how to drop into effortless focus, which involves unity of the internal and external environments, this skillset can be applied to all aspects of life, leading to greater mastery than previously experienced.

  • Integrity.

    A key element of effortless focus is integrity - physically, mentally, and behaviorally. The person who lacks integrity in any capacity will struggle attaining moving Zen and thus mastering archery or any other aspect of life. "How you do anything is how you do everything." Using Qi Gong, mapping, and, when needed, acupuncture or the application of its core principles, Todd guides the student through a specific and continual process of embodying the practice of integrity. By establishing “Anchor Points” (drawing the bowstring to a predefined anchor point is integral to a consistently accurate archery practice) physically, mentally, and emotionally, the student forges weaknesses of body and character into great strengths.

  • Purpose.

    With the refinement of efforltess focus and the practice of integrity, Todd directs the student into the final phase of ArcoTherapy: the awakening of passion and the honing of purpose. Many navigate through life with a scarcity mindset and deprivation of self power, thus lacking confidence, courage, and willpower. Others have assumed the throne of so-called success and power, but "power" generated by force rather than alignment with integrity results in a false sense of security and eventually disintegration. The principles and practice of traditional archery help awaken within the practitioner the sleeping giant of empowerment. Empowerment gives one the courage to be passionate, and the confident pursuit of passion leads to purpose. This is the substance of lasting transformation.

ArcoTherapy Experiences.

  • Kids Group Experience.

    A 6-week focus group for kids living in Nosara.

  • Adult Private Experience.

    A 6-week one-on-one experience for teens and adults living in Nosara.

  • Immersion Experience.

    A 5-day one-on-one residency immersion in Nosara.