#9 Luke Gifford on the Hero’s Journey, Shadow Work, and Childhood Trauma

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Occasionally a person enters my life who I know almost instantly is going to have a profound impact on my personal journey. My guest in this episode, Luke Gifford, is one of those people.

Occasionally a person enters my life who I know almost instantly is going to have a profound impact on my personal journey. My guest in this episode, Luke Gifford, is one of those people. From our ‘non-chance’ encounter almost 2 years ago at a personal growth event, we immediately began a relationship of mutual support and challenge in which we settle for nothing but the best that each of us has to give. I firmly believe that every man would benefit by having a Luke-type friend to nudge, or bludgeon, him back on the track of integrity when circumstances derail him.

This episode is only the beginning of the conversation that Luke and I intend to have, and yet we already reached such depth. Together we explore the concept of shadow and how some of Luke’s shadows sabotaged his marriage and threatened to undermine his entire life as he knew it. We also discuss a near-fatal childhood trauma that led him along an 8-year journey as a man to process the resultant psychological scars. In that journey he went blind, lost a daughter, and shattered his wife’s trust in him.  

Luke is a leader and teacher of men and an innovator of masterful, heart-centred curriculum. By leading retreats for men (and couples along with his wife Christa), online programs, and 1-on-1 coaching, Luke guides men to into emotional shadows and pain to reveal the path to personal growth. Luke’s brilliant intellectual and intuitive gifts, fierce work ethic, and passion to help others grow make him an incomparable ally for men. This conversation with Luke was thoroughly enjoyable and inspirational for me to take part in, and I hope you find useful insight from the beginning of this ever-evolving dialogue.  

Episode Links:



Head to Heart Podcast

Dr. John Amaral

Micaela Boehm

Robert Bly

Braving the Void by Dr. Michael Greenwood


#10 Luke Gifford on Losing God, Finding Father, and Radical Personal Responsibility


#8 Peter Conway on Plant-Spirit Medicine, Love in the Time of a Pandemic, and the Punk Rocker Ethos